Vertical And Horizontal Oriented Siding Directions

Which One To Consider

Siding is a popular cladding material for the facade of a building. A few years ago, the siding version was virtually unknown, facades were used everywhere.

Recently, however, the analogue has entered the hardware market very confidently and now it is rather a different kind of siding than just an alternative to a horizontally oriented material.


By using a special polymer that protects against damage and prevents the onset of corrosion, the cladding material maintains a flawless appearance and technical properties for several decades of operation.

Worth mentioning is the wealth of material choices – the variety of textures, color and size choices allow you to get a stylish and original building that fits well into any landscape.


The differences between the two types of side panels relate to edge profiles filling the joints between the profiles. Each type of material has its own edge profiles. Unlike analogs with perforations for condensate drainage in the lower part, vertically oriented plates have no.

The recesses and puzzles of the panels are arranged so that moisture flows downwards without dwelling on the surface of the profile. The flatter surface and the absence of protrusions on the profile does not accumulate dust and dirt.


Tips To Choose Between And Siding Directions


When selecting a or siding, first make sure that the material contains all the required quality and conformity certificates. If the technical documentation is in order, consider the following selection criteria.


Plates will rumble in a wind, and with the tormenting wind they risk falling from a facade; the thickness of the material must be at least 1 mm, otherwise the material may quickly collapse if damaged by cold and cracks.

Computer markings are mandatory for panels of well-known brands. Your presence is an additional guarantee that you will receive a quality product.


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