The Siding Kit – For Completing The Building

Knowing the features of their application can save you money by using a non-standard part instead of a regular one, or a design of two cheaper materials, without compromising the aesthetics of the building decoration.


This kind of siding is also called fiber cement. It is made by pressing the cellulose fibers with cement, which results in fiber panels for the facade. At the last stage of the manufacture of such panels, a texture that imitates is applied to their surface using a special technique.

Ceramic Saturation

Ceramic siding is a relatively new element. Invented in 60s in Japan and is a plate made from a baked mixture of clay with the addition of other natural elements.


The most famous type in construction. According to rates, it accounts for more than 50% of sales. There are the following types: ship board, Herringbone and log building and base track. The latter is often insulated in a separate way, but by properties it is similar to classic siding.


To decorate the walls with siding at home, fact is buying enough elements for equipment manufacturers to create a number of components of materials that help assemble the entire surface with transitions, angles and non-standard joints. Start strip  and the panel secures the lowest profile of siding when finishing the facade.

J-shape is an additional element for global use. It closes all non- cuts and supports the spotlight. The H one is used as a dividing strip between the panels when they are connected along the same line. Platband – a method for window and door openings.

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