Farmhouse Style Ideas

Stunning Design Ideas

WHO GUESSED RIGHT?!!? Haha so many of you guessed it & I was so shocked, but once again… we are on the same page! WE ARE GETTING A POOL AT @whitecottagefarm 🙌🏼🌊☀️🌈 We are so excited to be adding to our farm & this decision didn’t come lightly, but with all the recent events we are turning our five year plan here on the farm into our “this year plan” here on the farm. Our dream was always to add a pool one day, but what better day than today to turn our cancelled vacations & our stay at home summer into a lifelong of summer memories. I’m excited to show you guys the process, hopefully help in some way with tips & tricks, & of course share the fun we have when we can finally use it. Do you have a pool? Do you want to add one to your home?! Any tips? Any fun pool memories? Anything you want to see from us? Let’s chat all things pool! Ps. Who is impressed that they dug an entire pool all in one day?!? #whitecottagefarm #copelandbeau #cozywhitecottage

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