Farmhouse Living Room Ideas

Amazing Farmhouse Decor Ideas

The spirit of gratitude overflows from a grateful heart. And a grateful heart requires humility; which exemplifies He > i. Through this entire quarantine I’ve thought about these things personally and the different ways pride may play a role in my life in unexpected circumstances. For example the disappointment of cancelling vacation plans, had that disappointment turned to bitterness then a prideful heart would be to blame. Of course, broken plans and so many other things are beyond disappointing and even understanding, but knowing God is bigger than it all, is our foundation of truth. And from this firm foundation His truths become greater than our perceptions. As i continue to make myself smaller seeking His purpose in this season & surrendering fear in His holy name i feel more at peace and hopeful than pursuing my worldly understanding.🤍
I’m praying for you today and ask you to pray for my family as we struggle with the reality of going back to our normal lives in a couple weeks and seeking childcare for my toddler. i am really struggling with the right thing for our family and honestly at a fork in the road with a big decision. Praying for guidance + during such uncertainty, and trusting Him through it all. Hugs y’all.🤍
(ps) check on your strong friends, they may always be the rock but the rock gets weathered from storms just the same.🤍

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