Farmhouse Exterior Ideas

Wonderful Design Ideas

It’s February…and that means it’s move in month!! All of the work on the house should be finished in the next week or two and we’re hoping to move in about three weeks and I.CAN.NOT.WAIT!! Our lives have felt settled for over a year now with packing up our house in New York and now living in a rental amongst boxes. I’m ready to be home. 🏡♥️
#farmhousefeatures #farmhouses_of_insta #the_real_houses_of_ig #housesofinstagram #buildersofig #betterhomesandgardens #exteriorsofinstagram #farmhouseexterior #newbuild #metalroof #brickporch #plantationshutters #myfarmhousecottagestyle #southernlivingmag

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