Farmhouse Dining Room Ideas

Stunning Decor Ideas

Happy Tuesday, friends!! Taking the weekend off was nice, but I’m ready to get back on here again! Luckily I was able to get a good amount done over the long weekend. The guest refresh is done, I updated the blank wall space in the corner above the desk, and finished my small master bedroom refresh! I can’t wait to share it all with y’all! Weather permitting (it’s supposed to be a lot of rain 😭) I’ll get those pictures taken asap so I can post them! I went with some new in each room, so I’m excited to hear what y’all think! At some point I’ll make Ryan head to Lowe’s to grab some for the patio side project. School is officially out for his district and he input all his grades, so he’s on summer vacation. It’s back to work for me today! Have y’all refreshed any spaces while we’ve been stuck at home? .
. #liketkit #mybhghome #farmhouseinspired #farmhousedecorating #thedesigntwinslovespring #farmhousemovement #neutraldecor #neutralfarmhouse #cozyhome #homedecorating #farmhouseliving #farmhousegoals #myhousebeautiful #farmhousechic #farmhouselove #whitefarmhouse #fixerupperstyle #countryhomestyle #homedesignideas #modernfarmhousestyle #modernfarmhousedecor #americanfarmhousestyle #diningroomdecor #farmhousediningroom #farmhousetable #homestylingideas #farmhouseinspiration

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