Farmhouse Bedroom Ideas

Stunning Decor Ideas

A few thoughts I have had over these last few weeks of quarantine….
1. Didn’t realize we all needed to slow down a little and soak in the present moments.
2. Teaching is clearly not for me. And our teachers don’t get paid nearly enough for all they do and the weight that they carry.
3. It’s okay to not brush your hair, wear cute clothes or makeup everyday…but maybe every 8th day, you should probably put some on for a little mood boost.
4. Thank God for grace and new mercies each day. Lawwwd help us 🤣
5. I am so glad that I’m married to my best friend. I don’t mind spending any extra time with him binge watching Netflix and hanging out. He’s actually a really fun person! 😂
6. I reallllly miss Target. Truly. I’ve had to run in a couple times over the last month for necessities….but it’s just not the same y’all!
7. I didn’t realize I needed friendships in my life and gosh I miss their faces! Actual faces…FaceTime ain’t the same.
8. I consider myself a “praying” person…but I have truly never prayed this much in my life. For our doctors & nurses (my sister included) who sacrifice their own health and safety to care for others, for our small businesses who make our little town what it is and are hanging on with a thread to make it through, for our students and teachers who didn’t get to say “bye” and are having to newly learn from a distance, & for our churches and pastors who are being looked to for hope and encouragement.
9. As parents & leaders in our home, our mood sets the tone for our environment. Fill it with JOY, laughter, and peace. And if we’re having a bad day…check yourself. Each day is a new day!
10. I wish I’d bought stock in Lysol. That is all.
11. It’s easy to feel worry and fear right now. But God is still GOOD and He gives us peace that passes all understanding, and He still sits on the throne. This is our hope, friends! 🖤✨

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